Dear Friends,
We’ve extended the deadline for proposals for Split This Rock panel discussions and workshops to January 1, 2008. Please help us spread the word by forwarding the notices, below, to your networks and posting on your websites and blogs.
We’ve had some inquiries about whether we will consider proposals for workshops and performances/readings, as well as panel discussions. The answer is yes, though please note that, unfortunately, we do not have the funds to pay honoraria and that all participants must register for the festival. (Some scholarships will be available – guidelines for application will be posted on the website when we open registration.)
We are most interested in proposals of all kinds that engage festival participants in exploring the major questions and challenges we face as activist poets. Some questions, though by no means all: How do we honor and learn from our predecessors in this work? How can we cross the boundaries that too often divide us, in our organizing, our public programming, and the poetry itself? How does our choice of subject matter influence the form our poetry takes, and the other way around? What successful models of community building might be helpful to other participants? How can we work effectively with social change movements, community groups, social service organizations, schools, libraries, or prisons? These questions can be addressed in workshops and performances as well as in discussions – or in hybrids of these forms. Just give us a sense of how your proposed event will help build community and give participants the opportunity to learn from one another.
Let us know if you have additional questions:
Many thanks and all the best,
Sarah Browning
Festival Coordinator
Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness
Washington, DC
March 20-23, 2008
Panel Proposals – Deadline Extended to January 1: Split This Rock invites proposals for panel discussions and workshops on a range of topics at the intersection of poetry and social change. Possibilities are endless. Challenge us. Let’s talk about craft, let’s talk about mentoring young poets, let’s talk about working in prisons, connecting with the activist community, sustaining ourselves in dark times, the role of poetry in wartime. Deadline extended to January 1, 2008. Download the form here:
Poetry Contest – January 15 Deadline: The contest benefits Split This Rock Poetry Festival. $1,000 awarded for poems of provocation & witness; Kyle G. Dargan will judge. $500 for 1st, $300 for 2nd, and $200 for 3rd place. 1st place winner will read the winning poem at the festival. The poem will also be published on the festival website at All winners receive free festival admission. $20 entry fee benefits the festival. Postmark Deadline: January 15, 2008. Guidelines for entry:
Benefit Reading by Mark Doty, Kathy Engel, Regie Cabico – December 10: Come to a benefit reading for Split This Rock Poetry Festival with Mark Doty, Regie Cabico, and Kathy Engel on Monday, December 10, 2007 in New York City! The event will begin at 8 pm at the Bowery Poetry Club. Tickets are $25 at the door and we’ll have a silent auction with fabulous items: poetry broadsides, yoga, Poets & Writers subscription, and more! Take care of your holiday shopping and benefit Split This Rock! Download the event flyer here:
Support Split This Rock, the historic gathering of activist poets: The CrossCurrents Foundation made a challenge grant of $10,000 to Split This Rock last month. They’ll match every dollar you give. We’re 25% of the way to meeting the match – double your donation by giving today! Every dollar you give is tax-deductible through our fiscal sponsor, the Institute for Policy Studies. Just click here: and be sure to designate "Split This Rock" as the project you'd like to support. Or send a check payable to "IPS/Split This Rock" to: IPS, 1112 16th Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036. Many thanks! Your contribution will make a tremendous difference.
Split This Rock Poetry Festival calls poets to a greater role in public life and fosters a national network of activist poets. Building the audience for poetry of provocation and witness from our home in the nation’s capital, we celebrate poetic diversity and the transformative power of the imagination. Featuring readings, workshops, panels, contests, walking tours, film, parties, and activism! See the website for the incredible line-up of poets, including Mark Doty, Sonia Sanchez, Martín Espada, Naomi Shihab Nye, and many more. Split This Rock is cosponsored by DC Poets Against the War, Sol & Soul, Busboys and Poets, and the Institute for Policy Studies.
Sarah Browning
Split This Rock Poetry Festival
c/o Institute for Policy Studies
1112 16th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
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