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Sunday Kind of Love: A Busboys & Poetry EventReading & Workshop with Susan Tichy
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Workshop, noon - 3 pm
Reading, 4-6 pm
Open mic following the feature.
Hosted by Sarah Browning, DC Poets Against the War, and Regie Cabico, Sol & Soul
Workshop - Writing Isn't Lonely: Collage & Collaboration in Political Poetry
In this workshop we’ll read some politically and socially active poems that ask us, the readers, to work actively with the poet to find and complete the meaning, poems in which the dance of creation and the whole process of reading and discovery (and even mistakes) is part of the “message,” not just its vehicle. …And then we’ll do some writing, based on the language and forms of these poems. Pulled-text, collage, diction clouds, N+7, erasure, Boolean poems—sound nuts? Good, come and see for yourself. Susan Tichy will also talk a little about why she believes collage and collaborative writing can be a powerfully political, and spiritual, practice.
To Register for the Workshop: Email Sarah Browning at Include your full contact information. Then send a check for $25 made out to “DCPAW” to DCPAW, 626 Allison Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20011. Scholarships are available - to apply, include in your email an explanation of your circumstances.
Susan Tichy is the author of Bone Pagoda, A Smell of Burning Starts the Day, and The Hands in Exile, a National Poetry Series volume. Her poems and mixed-genre works have appeared in the U.S. and Britain, and have been recognized by awards from the Eugene Kayden Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. She teaches in the Graduate Writing Program at George Mason University, serves as Poetry Editor of Practice: New Writing + Art, and will be featured at Split This Rock Poetry Festival in March, 2008. When not teaching, she lives in a ghost town in the southern Colorado Rockies.
Busboys & Poets
14th & V Streets, NW
Washington, DC
U Street/Cardozo on the Metro green line
Wheelchair accessible
Free and open to the public
For more info: 202-387-POET, womenarts2 (at) aol (dot) com
Nui Sam
by Susan Tichy
On the steps of the pagoda
A man was begging
A man with no eyes was begging
On the steps of the pagoda
It might be fire it looks like that
It might be Willy Peter
A smooth tight kind of burning
To the bone it might be that
Someone had drawn red circles
Maybe he had drawn them
Someone had drawn red circles
Where his eyes would be
It might be lipstick it looks like that
It might be red lipstick
They make a place to look
When you are looking
A place to put your eyes
It might be that
from Bone Pagoda (Ahsahta Press, 2007)
Sunday Kind of Love is made possible this year in part by a grant from the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities, a public agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
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