Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Night of Whiskey and Paradise

I am still high from an incredible night of celebration Sunday for my first book, Whiskey in the Garden of Eden. A large enthusiastic crowd, special TLC from the staff of Busboys & Poets, their great food, some good whiskey -- it all contributed to an amazing event. Most special for me were the poets who helped celebrate by reading a poem of their own or a favorite by another poet. These eight are friends and comrades who have sustained me in my creative and activist life and I am grateful beyond words: Yael Flusberg (who also gets the award for most moving introduction; I'm sure the requests will come flooding in...), Esther Iverem, Kim Roberts, Fred Joiner, Melissa Tuckey, Regie Cabico, Naomi Ayala, and Leah Harris.

They also represent a much wider community of souls, many of whom were there: Dan Vera, Wade Fletcher, Mike Maggio, Derrick Weston Brown, Carolyn Joyner, Alan King, Joe Ross, Robert Waxman, Rose Berger, Pete Montgomery, Michael Gushue, David Pratt from New York, my sister Katie Browning from Brooklyn, my husband Tom Hertz and son Ben Browning, cousins Deb and Sam Black, Karren Alenier and Kathi Morrison-Taylor from the Word Works, Ann Hoffman and John Feffer from the National Writers Union, and many, many more. (Among those who sent regrets and were there in spririt: E. Ethelbert Miller, Grace Cavalieri, Kathi Wolfe, Heather Davis, Carmen Calatayud, Sandra Beasley...)

Dan Vera posted a nice write-up on the Vrzhu Press blog here and took some marvelous pictures which he posted on a Flickr page here.
The slide show includes photos from Sunday Kind of Love earlier in the afternoon, when Melissa Tuckey, E. Louise Beach, Michael Gushue, and Alan King gave a great reading celebrating their new chapbooks. Thank you, Dan!
Another nice blog appearance on Mama Dharma here. Thank you, Leah!
More upcoming readings for Whiskey in the Garden of Eden:
Wednesday, July 18, 7:30 PM
Honfleur Gallery
1241 Good Hope Rd. SE
Washington , D.C.
Refreshments provided. Suggested donation is $2

Tuesday, July 24, 7:30 pm
Miller Cabin Series
Joaquin Miller Cabin
Rock Creek Park, Picnic Area #6, Beach Drive at Military Road Overpass
For more information and rain location, call Julie Enszer at 301-537-6570

Saturday, July 28, 2 PM
Karibu Books, Pentagon City Mall
1100 South Hayes Street, Arlington, VA

Thursday, August 23, 7 pm
Writers in Progress
Studio #359, Arts & Industry Building
221 Pine Street, Florence, MA
For more info: (413) 582-0202

Friday, September 14, 6:30 pm
NW Washington, DC house party reading
For details, contact: lee.coyk@verizon.net

Wednesday, September 26, 7 pm
Kensington Row Bookshop
3786 Howard Avenue, Kensington MD
301 949 9416

Monday, November 5, 7:30 pm
Cafe Muse at the Friendship Heights Village Center
4433 South Park Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD
301 656-2797

Sunday, December 9, 6 pm
Iota Bar and Restaurant
2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA
703-522-8340 or 703-256-9275

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    So sorry I missed it, Sarah! I will raise a glass to you in celebration (after Frida goes to bed tonight, of course)!
