Monday, May 14, 2007
Ishle Yi Park

Go to her website here: and check out "Small Offerings" for a trio of lovely, powerful poems. I especially like Stars Ghazal.
Dispatches from the intersection of poetry and social change by D.C.-based poet and co-director of Split This Rock Poetry Festival
I am coeditor of D.C. Poets Against the War: An Anthology and coordinator of the group of the same name, which has been active since the first national day of poetry against the war, February 12, 2003. We produced Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness in March 2008. My first book of poems, Whiskey in the Garden of Eden, was published by The Word Works in 2007 and I host Sunday Kind of Love at Busboys and Poets DC. In 2005 I received a D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities Individual Artist Grant and the People Before Profits Poetry Prize.