Tuesday, January 02, 2007


New year, back home, and so much going on

Well, three weeks later and I am finally home and trying to get caught up. It's 2007: we have much work ahead of us. Much joy and reckoning, as well, I hope.

First, a few good reads that have accumulated in my in-box while I was away:

Grace Cavalieri's review of Jean Nordhaus' book, Innocence, from Ohio State University Press: http://www.themontserratreview.com/bookreviews/innocence.html

Kathi Wolfe's medidation on political poetry on the occasion of Adrienne Rich receiving the US National Book Foundation 2006 Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters: http://www.scene4.com/html/kathiwolfe1206.html

Rich's own essay, "Poetry & Commitment" on the Poets Against War website this month: http://poetsagainstwar.net/newsletter/2006/news_rich_12_06.asp

More soon! Including notes on my own travels and the poets I've been reading and hanging with the past month.

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